Monday, May 11, 2020

A Bittersweet Mother's Day

Before I discuss all the great aspects of this past weekend, I'd like to share the bittersweet ones.

Yesterday a friend from high school lost her battle with lung cancer. We'd reconnected strongly over this past year, but she was given just a couple months to live just as this coronavirus broke out, which meant "no visitors" to those hospital visits and eventual move to nursing home.

However, we did stay in touch via text and phone calls, and I talked to her briefly Friday morning. I could tell, then, that the end was near.

Her name is Sue, if you'd like to remember her with nice thoughts and/or prayers.

Sue's mother died from the same cancer, so I'd like to think that, on Mother's Day, her mother was waiting with open arms on the other side, and they had a lovely reconnection.

Also, our "original" cat Frances is having some health issues. All blood work is perfect, except for a smidgen of anemia, but she's suddenly started losing weight these past couple weeks, nearly a pound, so she's seeing the vet for weight checks.

We're expecting a call today for the next step as she's lost a little more during her weigh-in on Saturday.

She had been a stray at the I and M canal near our former home in Channahon when she appeared at our back door on October afternoon in 2005, and Daniel fed her a can of tuna (all unbeknownst to me) while I was upstairs working.

We've often wondered if she abandoned or if someone lost her, for she was about nine months old at the time and wore a red collar with a jingle bell.

If she was lost and the owner is reading this blog and wondering what happened to her, please know she's loved and she's been having a wonderful life. In fact, we invested in a $3,500 invisible fence just for her.

Since the canal is Frances' favorite place to be, Timothy and Daniel took her down there the day the state parks opened back up.

Tomorrow, I'll be less gloomy since I otherwise had a wonderful weekend. I hope you did, too.

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