Friday, February 14, 2020

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, Feb. 9 through Feb. 14

Although the title indicates these are all the features stories I've written this week, I still have three more that are in print but won't appear on The Herald-News website until later today.

So I will TRY to remember to update this page later and repost.

Yes, yes, and yes: Calkins Day was a lot of fun. Those who attended and participated smiled, laughed, and went home reasonable happy.

I'll post recaps, photos, and videos over the next few weeks to keep the "good cheer" going, but for now, well I'm the proud owner of a trillion dollar pombec.

Have a great Friday readers, writers, and BryonySeries fans.

Non-bylined features:

Monday through Saturday I assembled my non-bylined works - brief posts and calendar listings - into one convenient file and posting them on Facebook in the evening, so readers can easily choose the ones they want to read.

One can also find those event listings, the Gotta Do It calendar, as well as the pets, health, faith, and arts and entertainment calendars, under the sections tab on the left hand side of Click on "features" and the topics drop down.  Gotta Do It runs under "people."

Community news? Again, under the sections tab, under features, and by topic. Updates are posted on these days in print and web (and some only on web on other days as I have the time): 

Social media:

Daily updates: I do post the briefs and calendars on Twitter during the week, so you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I post curated content relating to the BryonySeries at @BryonySeries. And assorted related content at And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.

If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to jon WriteOn Joliet's Facebook page at We're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

Upcoming events:

Once Timothy Baran is done updating this page, these will listed here:

Check out the progress he has made so far. Each square is hand-built. And be sure to "hover" your hand over the first square. Note: this only works (so far) with the desktop version.

But he's also made A LOT of changes to the website. So be sure to roam around a bit.

Books and Such

Information on my books (including where to buy) along with upcoming events is at If you have any questions, email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.

'It’s a great way to get a full-body workout'
Plainfield family dedicated to rock climbing

An Extraordinary Life: From potica to politics, Elaine Bice of Plainfield did them well

'We see the hardships; we see the persecution'
One-man show about black priest coming to Joliet this month

'He was always a happy and smiling baby'
Joliet toddler fighting tumor, family needs financial help

'I’m in real estate to help people'
After lightning destroyed Joliet home, agent still advocating for former owner

'I had no idea how far we’d take it'
Joliet-area special needs cheer team will compete at Disney

'We try to be available to all races and genders'
Romance novels with diverse themes are catching on – slowly

Turn plain waffles into chocolate delights

Deals on meals this Saturday in Lockport
Nicky's Gyros is celebrating 25 years with special discounts

'They make it looks so easy on Instagram and Pinterest' 
We tried to make chocolate cups - and failed

Don't let the miles separate your heartbeats this Valentine's Day
Last-minute digital gifts to say ‘I love you.’

‘The Divine Mercy Chaplet: A Deep Meditation’ by James Mark

'It’s just going to be the best evening ever'
Breast Intentions of Illinois bringing unique fundraiser to Joliet

'The song and dance of mental illness'
Joliet Drama Guild to present award-winning musical about 'depressing subject'

Plainfield dog doing well after falling through ice
German shepherd is doing well following a fall through the ice earlier this week.

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage."

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