Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Concern For Frances

Yesterday before I left for work, Frances and Faith got into a hissy fight that left one with a wound no one saw.

Rebekah noticed the blood on several places the floor and inspected both cats. She saw a little blood on one of Frances' paws, but it wasn't clear the blood was from the paw.

I went to work. Rebekah, who was off work yesterday, fed both cats at noon and saw no issues.

Last night, Frances abandoned most of her dinner. I noticed, and Rebekah coaxed her out so she could finish most it.

This morning, Frances is nowhere to be seen, and her breakfast is sitting by my computer so Faith doesn't gobble it up.

For a cat that lives for food, I'm concerned that she is two hours late for breakfast.

Please send up good thoughts for Frances. She is in the foreground, and Faith is in the background.

PS: In true snarky cat form, as soon as I hit "publish," she came running into my room, looking for breakfast, which she happily gobbled.


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