Monday, December 16, 2019


That's how I'd describe this past weekend.

I left work at nine o'clock on Friday night and came home to a huge mess in my kitchen, which made me very happy.

Timothy had turned it into a test kitchen and prepared prototypes of four recipes I want to highlight in Thursday's Herald-News. And he was experimenting with the different techniques for photographing food, which he wants to use at his own job and for the return of the BryonySeries "Sue's Diner" recipe of the week, which went by the wayside this year during the redesign of the BryonySeries website.

After helping Timothy cleanup, and after working out and showering, it was Saturday, which brought chores, errands, the last edits on a side project, and a trip to Chicago to Del Seoul in Chicago for bipimbap for dinner.

Sunday brought an early services, Panera for breakfast and coffee, some work to complete, a meeting with Phyllis and Rebekah to sift through hundreds of photos to decide placement in the memoir, the traditional feast day dinner with Rebekah at Cracker Barrel, a dance recital for two of my grandchildren, the shooting of photos and videos for work, all of which was followed by a brisk walk, shower, and episode 16 of I Hear Your Voice with Rebekah before I fell asleep.

How can it be Monday already?

But it's a serene morning.

I hear the gentle woosh of cars through the snow outside my window.

My office/bedroom has a miniature Christmas tree (thank you, Joshua and Timothy) and my living room has a larger one (thank you, Rebekah and Daniel).

A fake fireplace softly crackles and glows (thank you, Timothy) and an globe snowflake ornament with a tealight candle (thank you, Sarah) sits by my computer (the one Christopher built for me as a surprise Christmas present a few years ago) with the coffee while the John Gary Christmas album (one of the Christmas records of my youth), very quietly emanates through my speakers, so as not to wake anyone else (thank you, modern technology).

I have not yet looked at my Monday to-do list, although I know it's full, and yet, I also know not one task is unpleasant.

Whether it's a "work" day or a "free" day or a "fiction" day, I like this early part of the morning, th slow wake up while I browse email, news, and social media, sip a nice dark roast coffee, and revel in the quiet while the rest of the house is dark.

Have a most blessed day.

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