Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Elusive Files

This morning I "wasted" about forty-five minutes or so searching for a poem I'd written for our "Christmas letter" when our family delivered newspapers.

These are basically flyers placed in each subscriber's newspaper with information on how to tip the carrier. And I always tried to make these as whimsical as possible.

One year, I wrote a variation of "T'was The Night Before Christmas," which featured the antics of our family slipping and sliding on the snow during delivery, along with a hand-drawn illustration of me, smiling as I walked through the snow to hand a newspaper to a customer.

I didn't find the poem. I may have written it before 2007, which is when I had a computer crash (We delivered from 1998 to the end of 2012).

I've not given up hope. I may have saved a hard copy. I still have boxes from Channahon to unpack.

What I DID find, however, is a series of Christmas letters Timothy had written to various members of our family back in 2010. I had forgotten about these, as he may have, too.

But he'll see them this morning. I emailed them all to him.

BTW, he took the photo of his Christmas tree, as he celebrates his first Christmas in his first townhome.

Blessings to all you this day!

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