Thursday, October 10, 2019

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: My very first blog post, Aug. 1, 2010

Back in 2008, while writing my first novel Bryony, think I was "one and done" author, I did a lot of self-educating about the writing world beyond newspapers and read that authors must have blogs.

I had no interest in writing a blog. Zero.

But "all authors must have them," I read over and over again.

So I ran the idea past my daughter Sarah Stegall, who was researching social media and creating all my pages. She, in turn, thought a blog was a great idea, asked on social media for the best blogging site, and decided, for lots of reasons, on blogger.

And then, because I insisted all social media sites either had to reflect the series or me as a person and writer, and because I didn't want the blog to sound like a narcissistic journal, but to add value to the person taking the time to read it, Sarah gave me some ideas of topics readers might like.

The goal was to blog every day and, with few exceptions, I've been pretty consistent over the last nine years. Below is the very first blog. It feels good to know I hit those goals.

The only change is the link to my feature stories. Those can be found at

For the few who've read me from the very beginning: Thank you for sharing this writing adventure with me as I learn and grow.

For those who have recently found me: you have over nine years of catching up to do! (just kidding; but do browse through keywords and past blogs, lots of material).

For those who pop in now and again: May you always be happy you did.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome to the Bryony Series Blog by Denise M. Baran-Unland

I love stories, and my entire life has revolved around that love.

An asthmatic childhood provided long, happy hours curled up with either a book or a pen and notebook. Doll play with my sister (and we had many dolls) consisted of layered characters and complicated storylines that occupied us for days. I composed when riding my bike. I mentally added "he said" or "she said" when people spoke to me. My fifth and sixth grade English teacher created themed, people-centered bulletin boards from magazine clippings, and I wrote short stories from those clippings. I write for a living. I write for fun.

The BryonySeries blog reflects that fun.

Whether you are curious about the Bryony book(s) or simply enjoy reading and/or writing, you will find the genesis of and the research behind the story, publication updates, writing ramblings, information on the Bryony fundraising cookbook, writing and publication experiences of other authors, bits of inspiration and links to my favorite stories.

You will also meet the real Ed Calkins, aka, the Steward of Tara. He is one of Bryony's minor characters and Ireland's first official vampire. This blog will also feature variety of guest experts, authors, readers and, perhaps, a surprise or two.

Google my byline to read published feature stories or visit

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