Monday, October 28, 2019

"Bryony" the Audiobook Update

Last week Rebekah and I met with Alby at Book and Bean to discuss progress on Bryony the audio book so far.

Since we won't be re-recording the files (they were recorded in 2012), and Alby feels they're pretty clean, since he edited as we recorded, we decided beta listenders would not be helpful at this point.

Alby did, however, ask Rebekah to listen to them, a few chapters at a time, to catch any mistakes he might have missed. She listened to the first few last week (and only heard one mistake - a line read twice) and is currently waiting for Alby to send more.

Also Rebekah, who has not read Bryony since I'd written it, found it as compelling in audio form as it is in print.

In the meantime, we are researching our distribution options. I feel like I'm navigating the early years of self-publishing without the map of people who did the hard work for me by the time I joined the party.

Meaning the pool of distribution services are small, and terms are varied.

So I'm researching the available services and evaluating terms, etc. I'm debating between two and leaning toward one, but that could change.

However, the process is exciting, and I'm definitely enjoying it. Even better, Alby would like to start recording another book and is interested in possible voices.

We debated the pros and cons of possibilities: should we record Visage next or should we record the first in each series before circling back?

That means we would record Cornell Dyer and the Missing Tombstone (children's chapter book) and Bertrand and the Lucky Clover before circling back to the "drop of blood" trilogy.

Any thoughts?

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