Monday, September 23, 2019


The cancellation of VampCon Chicago left several people in my family (and a few friends) with some unexpected time off.

We strove for a balanced used of the last three days. The old wedding rhyme came to mind:

Something old,
something new,
something borrowed,
something blue,
and a sixpence in her shoe.

Something old: I watched two old movies (the 1931 Dracula and the rare Hammer film The Shadow of the Cat, which I hadn't seen in 50 years). I also worked on the werewolf story, which takes place during the summer of 1961. I researched old werewolf lore. We made it up to Homewood for Divine Liturgy on Sunday, which we had not done since Pascha, and hugged old friends. I also did not go swimming (which has definitely gotten old!). We ate Saturday leftovers for Sunday lunch (see below).

Something new: We introduced Joshua and Amber to fresh culinary delights with treating some of us to Friday Night Dinner at Joliet Junior College's Thrive (Herald-News story coming this week). Joshua pointing out more than half the items on the menu, asking, "What's this? And what's this? How about that?" Amber ordered salmon and reveled in the fact one bite could produce five flavors! On Saturday, Timothy and Amber made a phenomenal dinner (cured chicken, au gratin potatoes with freshly grated Parmesan, a green salad (with broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, and two types of olives), and a layered dark chocolate cake (with homemade strawberry jelly and whipped cream). I finally spent some time (albeit very little time) with Cornell Dyer and the Flu.

Something borrowed: Rebekah lent me the money to enter a literary contest. Timothy is staying on top of our booth refund for the convention. I finished the final edits for WriteOn Joliet's third annual anthology (Rebekah will adjust the formatting today, I hope). I FINALLY had an overdue haircut (the money is always borrowed from somewhere else because I'm too cheap to budget for it).

Something blue: Since we are "moving," the kids have been looking at couches. Timothy put a deposit down on a blue one. Rebekah found a gray one (with blue tones) that she really liked. If Daniel likes it, she will hold that one with a deposit, too. Timothy, Jasmine, and I visited Ron in the nursing home, and he did not know us at all.

A sixpence in her shoe: With new financial rewards and responsibilities come new budgets and new items to buy, like computer desks. Lots of planning this weekend! Also, Daniel and Cindy brought me home a large container of turnip greens from Cracker Barrel. And Timothy bought me the dark roast of the day from Brewed Awakenings in Morris one minute before closing time. Rebekah and I walked and talked.

Because people who love you and care for you are better than money in your shoe!

Have a great Monday readers, writers, and BryonySeries fans! :)

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