Thursday, September 5, 2019

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: "Bryony" the Audio Book: Session One

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Bryony" the Audio Book: Session One and Other Munsonville News

First of all, the really cool part about creating an audio version of Bryony is that the recording studio is on the fourth floor of Tower Hall at the University of St. Francis in Joliet. So, for old times sake, I skipped the elevator and ran all the way up the main staircase.

What a transformation in the former art department! (I had a good friend who was an art major). Fortunately, Jeff Jaskowiak, director, was on site, so he gve me the official tour of DARA's (Digital Audio Recording Arts) expanded editing suite, which was really cool to see, especially since, two years ago, I had writtten a story for the Herald News when USF began the sound program.

The audio book project is a two-person team, both members of the Christian rock band Daniel's Window ( Alby Odum is sound manager; Heather King is reading, and she has quite the expressive voice, and her take on when and where to emphasize differed from mine, but not in a bad way.

I'm amazed that, for as long as the story has been inside my head, that she could bring it so alive for me with simply her reading style. And I get to be on hand to enjoy the fun, offer opinions, and to correct any mispronunciation of terms, especially since Alby and Heather edited as they went.

Heather had hoped to cover forty pages, but she was only beginning the second chapter when my ride got super-sleepy (The sessions are from nine p.m. to midnight), and I had to leave. Curious how that last bit sounds, so I can't wait for Alby to send me a copy.

In other news, Serena Diosa, author of the Tinkey's Goldfish children's book series, and I met today to review the latest formatting for the Bryony cookbook: Memories in the Kitchen Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," which, hurray, is in its final stages. I'm hoping it will be available for purchase within a month or so. All proceeds will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties ( 

Also, if you're anywhere near the Joliet area tomorrow, Saturday, or Sunday, stop out at the Westfield Louis Joliet Mall on Mall Loop Drive. Bryony will be part of an enormous arts and crafts fair. I will be selling both books and all five scents from BryonySeries one hundred percent soy candle collection. (

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