Monday, September 9, 2019


The struggle to balance responsibilities and priorities is real, and I often struggle as much as anyone else.

If I don't make plans, nothing happens.

If I do make plans, some things don't happen.

If I try to make plans fit into the reality of the day, I get grumpy. And far too often some of those plans move to another day, then another day, then another day...

But I'm discovering this: I do get the most important tasks done each day. This includes those at work, home, and yes, even my responsibility to myself.

I may not accomplish everything on my list each day. In fact, I almost never do.

But they do get done eventually. 

And when prioritized correctly, plans do come together, even if the coming together is not the way I visualized or wanted it.

For example, this weekend was a heavier work weekend than I had anticipated.

But by the end of Sunday, work had been done for hours, and I was relaxed, I realized a lot of non-work happened, too.

To be clear, I love my job. I don't know many people who can say they enjoy every component of it. And to also be clear, I take on extra projects because they are projects I want to do, and I don't intend to stop taking on extra projects.

But I had the unrealistic expectation that I could finish them all before Saturday. And then as Friday unfolded, I changed that to early Saturday. And then I pushed that our some more.

And, no, I did not work all weekend.

I spent a few hours with the werewolf story, FAR less than I wanted.

I walked to Walmart twice on Sunday (once because Timothy asked me to walk with him and twice because Rebekah asked me to walk with her to get stuff for Timothy's birthday).

I love walking alone (unravels my mind), and I love walking with others (lots of connecting happens).

What else? I mailed out nine little notes to my youngest grandchildren.

I watched some YouTube clips of an old 1990s show someone suggested to me.

I wrapped Timothy's presents.

And I had to let some workish projects go when my computer went through a long update. Instead, I spent that hour reading.

We closed Sunday with a movie in honor of Timothy's birthday, one that had been on our "family movie" list for about fifteen years (A Fish Named Wanda).

At the movie's end, I realized I'd had a great weekend.

I wrote two stories for The Herald-News I really enjoyed writing.

The remaining work was work I could finish while engaging in the household coversation.

I spent some great time with family.

I had walked a lot.

I worked on fiction (again, less than I wanted, but even that turned out to be a good thing).

I read.

And I sent out nine little notes.

Now here's something sweet and unexpected: I had these seamless little coffee gifts coming my way all weekend, starting Friday afternoon when Timothy dropped off a lovely dark roast at The Herald-News office from a venue in Chicago (he had a work meeting in the city that day).

I hadn't quite finished it, so I store the cup in the refrigerator and reheated it Saturday morning. Then Rebekah bought me a coffee before work. I had literally just finished it when Jasmine walked into my room and placed a Gloria Jean beside me.

I'm still smiling.

Now, I have about ten other items I move to next weekend. Maybe my lists are ambitious. But, also maybe, I'd get less done if I didn't write massive lists.

Circling back to the werewolf story. IF I had spent more time on that story, I would have been doing a lot of unwriting. Because I realized last night part of the plot had veered where I did not want it to go. Fortunately, my limited time writing this weekend means limited time in restructuring.

Although I am saying it a bit grudgingly.

What's the lesson here? To make plans in order of priority (I'm good at that) but not force them into time (I'm less good at that).

Still, I had a great weekend, and I am prepared to work hard this week. I hope the same for you.

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