Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Another Side of Self-Publishing

Back in 2012, I had an audio version of Bryony professionally recorded at a studio in Joliet.

The end.

No, seriously.

The narrator and I wound up with personal emergencies, and the project faded into the background.

Over the years, the producer and I have occasionally reached out to each other with a "We should do something with this," but individual schedules never worked out at the same time to talk and plan.

That's changed.

I've now met with the producer three times in the last month and a half. He still has the files, and they sound amazing.

We are researching and educating ourselves on the audio book industry to decide the best way to distribute it.

I have self-publishing experience. He has experience in the music industry.  So it's a springboard for us to learn the audio book industry and share thoughts and links.

Since we've waited this long, we're in no hurry.

But since I don't listen to audio books, we may want a couple of beta listeners before we launch.

Anyone interested?


  1. I don't listen to a great many audiobooks, but I'd be willing to be a beta listener for you.

  2. Thank you! I'll reach out when you get to that stage. :)

  3. I would love to be one!

  4. Thank you! I'll reach out when we're ready to test. :)
