Thursday, August 29, 2019

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: Newspaper Jokes for Timothy's 17th Birthday

Newspaper Jokes for Timothy's 17th Birthday

Along with the discarded novella version of Bryony, the jokes below were part of the birthday package.

Yes, I know number four is missing, deleted on purpose, a bit insulting (aka Ed Calkins), not fit for print. 

Anyway, these are just another example of my re-entry into creativity after many decades, before I went completely to the dark side. ;)

1)      Q: On Sunday, why did Timothy stuff more papers than anyone else?
             A: He was on a roll.

2)      Knock. Knock.
Who’s there?
Sun Times.
Sun Times who?
Sun Times I just don’t want to deliver papers.

3)      Q: Why did the daily bags not mind papers being stuffed into them?
A: They were hooked.

5)      Q: Why did Ron get old fast by delivering papers?
       A: Because he worked for man-agers.

6)      Q: What kind of bags are good to eat?
A: Sundae bags.

7)      Q: What kind of a raft will not keep one from downing?
A: A paper buoy.

8)      Q: When business got bad for the newspaper company, what did it do?
A: It folded.

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage." Follow him at

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