Monday, July 8, 2019

Four Days Off

In a family that's had as many weird drug reactions as mine, the starting of a new medication, however temporary it may be, is enough to provoke sky rocketing anxiety.

When the medicine is necessary, but not an emergency, I try to start it on my own time. This way, if I have to address side effects, I'm not ruining someone's day or screwing up deadlines.

So I took a vacation day on July 5th and gave myself four days to swim or die.

I swam (so far) and wound up with FOUR DAYS OFF!

It was exhilarating. Here's how I spent it.

I saw two sets of fireworks (from a drawbridge on July 3 and a parking lot on July 4).

I edited and formatted the 2019 WriteOn Joliet anthology.

I made significant progress on Phyllis memoir, to the extent the first draft is about 85 percent done.

I'm almost through chapter six of Cornell Dyer and the Never Robbers (as I was basking in that, Timothy came up to me and said we should get the next book done before September; when did I have time to meet???).

I took two naps.

I ate too much ice cream (for someone who is prediabetic).

I spent some time with a friend who has cancer, who looked fantastic! (she's had a bit of a reduction in her cancer markers. No remission yet, but she's in there fighting).

I cleaned the house.

I hung out with three of my grandchildren (a bonus, because one had a medical emergency, and they stopped at the house after seeing a specialist).

I walked (but only at night. Because this new medication comes with a warning to stay out of the sun).

I met with a fellow WriteOn Joliet member to discuss one of his latest stories.

I did some work (because four entire days off is impossible, really).

I spent minimal time on social media.

Today it's back to work. I have my rides lined up (because, well, it's July and walking to work is a huge no-no on this medicine, and I do not own a car), and I am ready to switch back into other gears. Last night I closed out of all fiction (and side project) tabs, not to be opened again until this weekend.

Mostly, I'm thankful for freedom, and the courageous men and women who made it happen. The only thing I've fought, really, is my own fears.

But I did try to use some of that resulting freedom these last four days in the service of others...and to renew myself to try again to chip away at selfishness in order to be a better servant.

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