Monday, June 24, 2019

Endings, Beginnings, and To be Continued...

An extremely productive weekend in lots of areas!

Read the proof copy of Cornell Dyer and the Eerie Lake, made the changes, and then Rebekah tweaked the cover and reuploaded the book. Waiting for approval from KDP.

Incorporated the copy edits into the fifth and final installment of Before the Blood. Rebekah uploaded it. Waiting for approval from KDP. This one is a little bittersweet.

Except for homeschooling my children, this has been the most time-consuming of all my projects, eight years in all for the BryonySeries prequel, from concept to outline, to research, to writing, to editing, to all the rest. It's weird, but extremely, satisfying to see it end.

However, I did begin writing Lycanthropic Summer in earnest on Saturday. And then on Sunday, I put my notes from Timothy for Cornell Dyer and the Never Robbers in a workable format. I hope to get some serious writing done on both these stories accomplished next weekend.

I also created a handout guide for the BryonySeries for events.

I worked a bit on Saturday and Sunday since I have two doctor's appointments on Monday and Tuesday.

I did some serious housecleaning.

I took care of a few bills and a whole bunch of filing that had piled up.

Joshua, and Amber the kids came over for dinner on Saturday night (Rebekah bought the ingredients, Joshua cooked), and I spent some time assessing Ezekiel's reading (Joshua and Amber are homeschooling him next year) while Rebekah made cookies with Jessica and Riley. I also made some curriculum suggestions to Joshua and Amber.

Not to digress too much, but poring through old school materials and helping to structure a program for my grandson made me realize just how much road the kids and I have traveled over the years. I found myself marveling at the realization I taught my kids how to read, do math, etc. It felt routine and natural in the moment.

Oh, yes, and I sent out the monthly letters to nine of the grandchildren.

Finally, I also watched some of the first season of Soap (Friday night and Saturday night) with Daniel and Rebekah (a Mother's Day present from Daniel).

I did not (yet) get to see my friend with lung cancer (mostly due to lack of a ride and too much rain to walk, but we did text a bit), and I did not make it down to Morris to see Ron in the nursing home (same reason, but more due to the fact he is not adjusting well).

I also didn't get much work done on Phyllis' memoir, so that goes to the top of my list for next Sunday afternoon.

For all of you reading this blog right now: I hope you had an ever better weekend, and I hope today is the start of a week that's even better than that!

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