Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Early Cover Drafts

"Don't judge a book by its cover" the saying goes, but today's book covers are so part of the reading experience, we rarely give thought as to how the cover came to be.

But the design of a book cover evolves in much the same way the

Ever wonder what the early versions of the BryonySeries covers looked like?

Here's a few:

(Note from Sue Midlock when we were talking cover art concepts for Before the Blood:
I was thinking, what do you think that each book, the covers are different color? One emerald green, dark blue, dark brown, not sure on the 4th color. What do you think?)

I have to admit, I did like all the different color versions, so it was tempting. But since BTB is really one large book published in five installments, we decided to go with red for all five.

Now if BTB was five separate and distinct books in a series, color-coding them by the book's theme would have made sense.

Next time, perhaps?

For more photos, check out The process of creating a book cover at facebook.com/pg/BryonySeries/photos.

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