Sunday, February 24, 2019

When Three People See The Same Thing

Over the last few months, Timothy has been redesigning the BryonySeries website to encompass the feel of all the books.

We do "converse" (bicker) back and forth sometimes regarding concepts.

One of those conversations revolved around an illustration he placed on landing page. He wanted a page before the home page, and I had no problem with it.

But this illustration from Bryony by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt didn't work as an all-encompassing piece of art for the landing page.

So we talked concepts until we agreed.

Then he asked his girlfriend's sister, whom I only know right now as "Jenny" to create it.

Jasmine (Timothy's girlfriend) has read Bryony and Visage. The scene Jenny was to draw is featured early in Bryony.

From time to time, Jenny sent a draft or texted a question. But mostly she turned to Jasmine for guidance, as apparently Jasmine had some definite ideas, too.

It took Jenny a few months. But the final piece came home shortly after midnight. Timothy placed it to the website this morning and then showed it to me.

Jasmine was pretty excited for me to see it. Jenny's piece, to her, looked pretty close to the way Jasmine envisioned it.

I was astonished. Because Jenny had captured, pretty much, the way I see it, too.

It's an amazing thing to take a story out of one's head and fabricate it into a story.

It's quite another to have someone else do the same with pen and ink.

Wanna check it out: Visit

But please look the page from your desktop. The mobile view is not yet tweaked, and you won't be able to scroll up and down to see the complete image.

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