Monday, February 4, 2019

A Fast-Paced, Non-Super Bowl Weekend

At least, the weekend was fast-paced for me.

And I'm not a sports fan, so my only knowledge of the Super Bowl came from The Herald-News headlines this morning.

Although I came into the weekend with the intention of making impressive progress on Cornell Dyer and Eerie Lake (and didn't), I at least had a very productive weekend and am a little amazed I accomplished so much.

Here's a quick recap of Saturday:

1) Re-reading bits of Daraga's Quest for the WriteOn Joliet Gothic Book Club.

2) A nap.

Yep. I was up for a couple hours on Saturday and decided to go back to bed for a couple hours. I used to nap all the time when nursing the kids to sleep back in their babyhood days, and I've only recently rediscovered the luxury of Saturday naps. They're awesome! (especially when drowsing over a good book.

3) Social media/marketing.

4) Stopped in at Ken McGee's book signing.

5) Two lovely hours at the WriteOn Joliet Gothic Book club at the Book and Bean Cafe in Joliet

6) A few hours of work for Monday 

7) 15,995 steps (the goal is 23,000, but I've been a bit under-stepped lately)

8) Walked with Rebekah to Jody's for carryout.

9) A couple hours of Cornell Dyer (an outline, back cover copy, chapter heading picture ideas, a bit of the prologue, and some consultation with Timothy on the last book)


1) Social media/marketing

2) Work for Monday

3) Covered a church service in Channahon

4) Took a short drive and walk by the I&M canal for work and Bertrand photos

5) Stopped for gas and coffee at Casey's (coffee is important), where Rebekah called with an electrical issue at the house.

6) Talked with maintenance as he addressed the issue.

7) Finished Monday's work.

8) Uploaded half a dozen videos for work.

9) Spent a couple hours with a Joliet woman in her 90s (I'm ghost-writing her memoir).

10) Added the corrections from the proof copy of the second installment to Before the Blood and uploaded it for possible publication.

11) Rebekah found discrepancies in ALL Bertrand the Mouse files on KDP. Our files are correct. She successfully uploaded one; the rest are being stubborn, so a phone call is on the list for today.

12) 14,800 steps (which included a walk with Rebekah)

13) Mailed three birthday greetings to grandchildren and one bill.

14) Yoga

15) Consulted with Timothy on his menu for work, my website and various fonts, and the business card he's redesigning for the BryonySeries.

16) Lamented with Rebekah at bedtime at why I can't seem to get anything done! (yes, that's a thing).

So why am I listing this?

Years ago, a very wise Catholic writer and mother of seven children recalled another mother lamenting with having no time for projects, etc. The writer, Mary Reed Newland, responded by saying we need to examine where we waste it.

Another writer, who wrote a parenting book when she had six children, wrote in a 1983 book for stay-at-home moms how a time management expert had told her to "learn to use small modules of time," which is how she got her book written.

For some projects, that's fine. However, many creative projects need large bunches of time to properly unfold.

Looking over this list, to say "I didn't get anything done" is far from the truth.

And as a new week is beginning, maybe I should give myself a virtual shoulder pat and say, "Well done!" instead of dwelling on the list of items (as yet) undone.

Illustration by Christopher Gleason for "Staked!" Follow him at

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