Monday, November 5, 2018

Readers and Writers: Do You Use Goodreads?

My sister, a former bookseller turned librarian introduced me to Goodreads before 2007, I want to say, because I had not started writing Bryony yet.

Although it was my introduction to social media, I wasn't too interested and never explored it too much. I tend to be a solitary reader and writer and couldn't see the point of the site. But as time passes, I'm trying to become more social in my hobbies.

So "learn Goodreads" was part of the revised marketing plan I created a couple years ago, a thorough plan I'm gradually implementing.

Since my goal for 2019 (and I've already started) is to read the books of WriteOn Joliet authors this year, and since Amazon doesn't let me post reviews because I don't spend much money on the site, a fellow author suggested I post them on Goodreads.

Which is what I intend to do.

I used my extra hour on Saturday night to explore the site. Since my favorite genre isn't listed there so for me as an author, I'm already challenged to find readers. As a reader, it will also be challenging finding new reads.

I as surprised to find one of my favorite stories (Henry James' Turn of the Screw) only had a rating of 3.4. But good information for me.

My question to readers and writers: how much do you use the site and do you find it valuable? In what way?

Thank you in advance to anyone who chooses to share. :)

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage." Follow him at


  1. I love using Goodreads as a reader! Once you've been using it for a while, have friends on Goodreads with similar interests, it's super-helpful for finding other books I might like. Also, since Goodreads is owned by Amazon, I feel like it's in a writer's best interest to make sure their Goodreads author page stays updated.

    *Bonus: When an author I like comes out with a new book, Goodreads sends me an email. LOVE THAT! I can't keep up with everyone's author page. I just want to know when the books are out so I can read them.
