Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Color or No Color: That is the Question

So in keeping with the nineteenth century/vintage feel of the Before the Blood story line, these five books won't have chapter heading art as the other books do.

But each book will have a frontispiece and a quote.

Here's my dilemma: the colors in the art are amazing. And the artist, Topher Gleason, incorporated tiny details into the art that aren't readily visible in black and white.

But frontispieces aren't generally in color (of course, older books were all hardcover and these, for the time being, will be softcover).

An interior color image will be more expensive than a black and white one, but it is just one image.

And the colors do tie in with theme - at least the first three do (I don't have the last two yet).

Here are the frontispieces for the first two books (the third image is a copy, and the colors aren't as vibrant, so I'm not attaching that one yet).


Black and white? Or color?

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