Monday, October 8, 2018


I often say my to-do list is bigger than my ta-da list, and it is true.

But I suppose even if I was working with thirty hour days, I'd just make longer lists.

This past weekend, I let some things go to accomplish a goal.

And that was finishing Before the blood, the prequel to the BryonySeries trilogy.

I've talked for so long about my working on it that the words fade into the wallpaper. But it's a real book, and it's really finished.

My editor Colleen Robbins was in the fourth part of the five part book when I saw her last Thursday. My goal was to finish editing the fifth this weekend. A series of two unexpected cancellations opened up some extra time, and I used that time to edit.

I'm plan to read through some of the chapters while over the next few days I'm working out (because I work, write, and edit on my phone when I'm working out; it's the only way to get it all done) to see if any final tweaking is needed and then - off to the printer and Colleen.

It meant letting the blog go over the weekend (a new recipe from Sue's Diner will be posted tomorrow).

It meant letting yoga go over the weekend

Heck, it even meant letting some WORK go over the weekend (making this morning a little stressful).

But it's done. And the sense of accomplishment is huge.

I plan to release one book every other month in 2019, starting in January, until all five are out. And so far, I'm right on task.

What's up next?

Well, I have one more novel in me before I call novel writing quits (a werewolf story).

The Adventures of Cornell Dyer chapter books and the Bertrand the Mouse series will continue.

I'm planning some companion short stories to the BryonySeries and Before the Blood that I'll publish in separate volumes (Blood Tales).

And I'm planning to read more. I've read less since 2013 when my last child graduated from homeschool, where reading was built into our lives, and because I was focused on writing one very complicated story.

At the top of my reading list are titles from WriteOn Joliet authors. As I read, I'll share.

Have a great Monday readers, writers, and vampire fans! :)

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