Saturday, September 1, 2018

And the Exhibit Went Up!

Approximately 100 pieces of original art of from four Joliet artists went up today on the walls of the Book and Bean Cafe in Joliet.

The mediums and subject matter are all varied, but one common thread connects it all: these four artists have contributed their talents to the BryonySeries.

As a "thank you," Tammy Duckworth, the cafe's owner, agreed to an exhibit for the months of September and October.

My son Timothy Baran (who takes much better photos than I do, although I took some, too), hung out during the installation and took hundreds of photos.

I'll make albums in a day or two and post them on the BryonySeries Facebook page. In the meantime, here are a few highlights:


  1. Great post!
    I really enjoy reading all of your posts! You are an inspiration to all writers!
