Tuesday, July 17, 2018

These Two Authors Did It; You Can, too

I'm talking about self-publishing, and I'm not talking about me.

Terri Ellinger and Ken McGee are two local authors. Each had written quite a number of books and weren't sure how to get them published. They wanted to self-publish but heard it was expensive.

I showed both of them how to publish for free (or nearly free). When I say "nearly free," I mean that. For instance, WriteOn Joliet is publishing its second anthology this year. The cost for publication is $25, the same as last year's anthology.

I got Ken started right around the holidays last year and Terri came to my self-publishing chat inn February.

And my editor, Colleen Robbins, just received the proof to her first book, which she published using my information.

Here are links to Terri and Ken's books:

Terri Ellinger: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Terri+Ellinger&search-alias=books&field-author=Terri+Ellinger&sort=relevancerank

Ken McGee: https://www.amazon.com/Kenneth-Lee-McGee/e/B07D7DGPGG/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1531825764&sr=1-1-fkmr0

Ken is still releasing titles and will his books for you to check out (as will I) from 9 to 11 a.m. July 21 at the Book and Bean Cafe, 3395 Black Road in Joliet.

The event is free for members of WriteOn Joliet or $10 for nonmembers (with the money going back to WriteOn Joliet to provide even more resources for its members).

Of course, you're free to buy a book, too. But this is not the purpose of the event.

The purpose is to show anyone interested in publishing a book (a physical print book, as well as an eBook) without spending thousands of dollars per book.

Maybe you have a story to share with friends and family.

Maybe you'd like to write your memoir.

Maybe you have a business and would like to have a book to sell at talks.

Maybe you have expertise in a niche topic.

Maybe you'd like to distribute your creative writing.

Maybe you'd like to archive family recipes (or favorite family photos) into a book.

Maybe you have ideas/reasons not listed here.

If one of these is the case, maybe self-publishing is for you.

"How to Self-Publish a Book for (Nearly) Free is Not a Formal Event." We're going to sit 'round a table, drink some great coffee (or tea, both available for purchase at the cafe) and go over my handout line by line, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions, etc.

Can't stay? Stop by anyway.

If you're a member of WriteOn Joliet, I'll give you the handout.

If you're not a member of WriteOn Joliet, bring $10, and you can have the handout.

In all cases, I'm available for support (for free) if you get stuck in the process. And if I can't help you, someone else from WriteOn Joliet can.

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

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