Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Late Blog: Here's Why

Very productive day, right from the morning I awakened (although I did oversleep a bit).

Worked until eight last night, ran a couple errands (I needed a mouse for my laptop), I worked on Before the Blood until 1 a.m.

I worked on two chapters today and, except for two scenes, chapters eleven through twenty-one (the novel begins at chapter eleven and ends at thirty, plus an epilogue) are in good shape for self-editing.

Because I have parts of the remaining chapters completed, I'm hoping to work at the rate of two chapters per weekend up until Labor Day. At that point, the fifth book will be close to the self-editing stage. I will then hand off the first four manuscripts to my editor while I get the last into shape.

The goal, reiterated: publish all five novels in 2019, with the first being released sometime in January.

So far, it's looking good.

Now I need to get one more thing done for work...and try to finish those last two scenes...if I can stay awake long enough...

Oh, and we had a cooking party (of sorts) tonight in the kitchen, whipping up four more recipes from Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," for the Sue's Diner portion of the website. I'll post one tomorrow.

And now, back to it...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

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