Monday, June 18, 2018

TurnAbout Tour: Vanessa Stephens

It's funny how things work out.

During the week, I stay pretty nose to the grindstone, working under the delusion that I'll get everything done and then can spend long interrupted time working on fiction.

So when plans don't work out according to my vision, I get a little grumpy.

The view from Friday night was discouraging. But the view from Sunday night was amazing. My goal was to finish chapter 17 in the fifth novel of Before the blood, and I very nearly did. I say "very nearly" because it took off in a few different directions than the original intention, and I simply ran out of time to explore those directions fully.

And that was even with going back and adding more depth to some newer characters.

I should be finished editing novel No. 2 by the weekend and plan to write chapter 18, too - but we shall see. The next two weeks are especially busy (more than the usual busy), but I do better at everything else when I can spend some time writing fiction.

I liken it to lying in the grass watching clouds. It relaxes my mind. I like when said aging mind is relaxed and ready for a fresh work week.

And now, enough about me.

The BryonySeries' first TurnAbout Tour continues today with Vanessa Stephens.

What is a TurnAbout Tour?

Well, it's something I made up, as my "thank you" to the writers who graciously and generously hosted the BryonySeries on their blogs last month.

During the Mondays and Tuesdays in June, I'm sharing links to three pieces I especially liked by these writers, giving them additional exposure without them have to write additional pieces. We're on stop No. three today, so if you missed the first two, please scroll back and catch up.

Today's stop: fellow Gothic writer Vanessa Stephens.

According to her website, Stephens is an aspiring writer who spends much of her time writing flash fiction, short stories, working on her debut novel, or spending time with her family. She lives in the Joliet area with her husband and daughter.

And here is a good place to add that Vanessa's daughter is a fan of Bertrand the Mouse. And Bertrand is a fan of hers.

Stephens is new to blogging, but I still had no trouble finding three posts I really, really enjoyed, all of them different in topic and tone. I hope you enjoy them, too.

Weather Vane

This is a piece of flash fiction with one of those great "surprise endings" that make me read a piece again just to get to the ending. The last line, WOW!

Got Books?

This is a short piece on Stephens' discovering of a Little Free Library in her neighborhood.

If you don't know what a Little Free Library is, Stephens' explains it.

If you do, Vanessa's honest and sincere excitement in the discovery will make you smile.

Four Week Meditation Renewal

I've mediated for years and so has Stephens - until she fell away from it.

In this post, Stephens discusses why she is returning and her plans for persistence.

Again, for me, the liking of this post is less about the mediation and more about Stephens' desire top be a better person, a desire I can truly respect.

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