Tuesday, May 15, 2018

"Social Justice…and Vampires!" Tour Host: Tom Hernandez

So as much as my next tour host Tom Hernandez bemoans his arrogance in one of the posts below, his Twitter profile is simple and straightforward: husband, father, grandfather, son, writer.

I couldn't find a biography on his blog, and he doesn't (yet) have a website.

His biography in WriteOn Joliet's first anthology provides slightly more information: writer, communications professional, public speaker and performer. He enjoys exploring the complex facets of “normal life” and the thousand shades of gray that color them. He and his wife, Kellie are new “empty nesters.”

Neither really do justice to the great friend and writing partner Tom has become.

When my WriteOn Joliet co-leader and co-founder (and really most of the energy and driving force behind the group) stepped down to raise her family, Tom stepped up.

He runs the meetings, handles the group's finances, sends out reminder and informational emails, emcees our open mics, books our meeting rooms, is an open-minded brainstormer, is the yang source of feedback to the other writers in our group (while I tend to play yin), and (perhaps most importantly) puts up with my out-of-the-box ideas and has read my trilogy aimed at teen girls.

Oh, and he liked the trilogy. Or so he said. In print. Where it counts.

Tom has a strong social justice bent (reflected in his essays and poetry), and a great liking for stories that capture the human spirit, the reason, perhaps, he liked my series, especially the third book, for which he wrote an introduction.

I kept those likes in mind when writing a guest post for his blog.

And then he did one better: he gave me real estate in two posts. And here they are: a full-blown introductory post written by Tom and the social justice one written by me.

Circling back to the beginning of this post, if you want to really know Tom, skip the biography. Instead, read his books.


Friends, Vampires, and Friendly Vampires

Social Justice…and Vampires!


UPDATE: Tom Hernandez actually does have a website now. Visit him at Tomhernandezbooks.com.

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