Saturday, March 17, 2018

Ed Calkins: Three Ways to Celebrate St. Paddy's Day

Dear MOMI, 
First of all, thanks for everything. 
I’ve been reading Staked! and I’m breaking at Chapter 26 (Ruthless Business) to conduct my own ruthless business. 
I love the book, believing it to be your best yet, but then, I’m prejudice as if stripped of all that concerns John-Peter, what’s left is my biography. I see a lot of Christopher in John-Peter, but maybe I expected to. Anyway, my post….
On this special St Paddy’s Day, (and special it is for it’s the first one after the reading of Staked, which is an Irish tale written by the most prolific of the Irish writers (Denise) (and of course it’s all about me)), I feel compelled to write long, rambling sentences about how it might be celebrated.
One assumes that a pub should be visited, a mug should be drained, a song should be sung, and a bartender over tipped. Not everyone, however can afford the money, time, or lack of sobriety to indulge this way. So, there are other ways to suggest before I get to how I intend to celebrate.
1) Read the BryonySeries, particularly Staked! which is as Irish of a novel as a novel can be.
2) Learn a new song or poem. Then count yourself richer. After all, a pot of gold is spent and is no longer yours but a song stays yours no matter how many times you sing it.
3) Tell a tale like an Irishman tells one, (in other words, make the whole thing up). That’s what I’m going to do next week, when I shall (in written prose) recite the epic tale of how beer came to Ireland.
Ruthlessly yours,
Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

PEd Calkins, Steward of Tara, assumes a ruthless pose at his Calkins Day 2018 book signing at the Book and Bean Cafe is Joliet.

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