Sunday, March 4, 2018

Buy a Cookbook, Help a Child

Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," is a cookbook my daughter Sarah Stegall and I assembled based on my first book in the BryonySeries.

The cookbook is a compilation of recipes from the Victorian era and the 1970s. Some we found. Some were submitted. Some we hunted down and received written permission to reprint.

If you read Bryony, you might find it fun to make some of the foods Melissa encountered and/or enjoyed.

If you're curious about the BryonySeries but haven't read it, the cookbook pairs recipes with events in the first book, so you get snippets of the series "flavor," without spoilers (or spoiled food).

If you like to cook, I'm sure you'll find at least one recipe you'll want to try.

If you like the Victorian era, you'll get the chance to make and eat foods people from that time period made and ate.

If you're a parent (or grandparent) buy the cookbook for your child (or grandchild), take him or her into the kitchen with you, and explore the nineteenth century through its foods.

If you don't like to cook at all, you can simply enjoy browsing through the history of the book, including its appendixes of unfamiliar terms and what Victorians stocked in their pantry.

Or you can gift the book to anyone who likes any of the above.

If none of this appeals to you, BUT you really like kids, please know that all proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.

Want to try a recipe first?

Here's one from the nineteenth century my daughter and I made a few months ago.

Our "Sue's Diner" cooking adventures will return in a couple weeks when our schedules open up.

In the meantime, you can buy the cookbook at

And you can learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters at

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