Monday, February 5, 2018

10 Reasons to Read (or Re-Read) the BryonySeries this Year

Talk about shameless self-promotion!

Well, not really. But with all the "top ten" stories online coupled with the many story lists I've made for The Herald-News website, I thought I'd have fun with one of my own.

If the points below DON'T interest you, then the series is definitely not for you.

But if any of them make you think, hmmm, well, then maybe...

1) You'll become immersed in another world.

Munsonville. Simons Mansion. Eircheard’s Emporium. Grover's Park. The land beyond the mirror. Jenson College of Liberal Arts.

These are just some of the examples.

2) It's not what it seems to be.

Or to quote Tom Hernandez's forward from the third book:

The ability to capture and convey the challenges and rewards of human interaction -- pain and joy, celebration and sorrow, heartache and elation. These are the difference, to paraphrase the immortal Truman Capote, between “typing” and “writing.”

Thanks, Tom!!! :)

3) The trilogy is not a page-turner.

Wait -- what??? Shouldn't good books be page-turners? Well, yes...and no. Instead of a sprint to the the end, the BryonySeries trilogy has a slow-build pace to keep you rooted to each word in each line so you read slowly and carefully. Very carefully.

4) If you're a parent, you may understand your teens better.

5) If you're a teen, you may understand yourself and your peers better.

6) There's an emphasis on personal responsibility and consequences of actions.

Translation: No victim mentality here.

7) No sparkling vampires.

Not one. Not a single one.

8) You might fall in love.

Plenty of 3-D characters here, all with their virtues and vices (more or less) and no cliches.

9) It's complicated.

If you like "light reading" or beach reads, this isn't the series for you.

10) You'll improve your vocabulary.

Some terms lightly tossed around (depending on the book): pseudogenes, hanta virus, crubeens.

How to buy it? Right HERE.

Illustrations by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt ("Bryony") and Matt Coundiff ("Visage"). Follow Matt at or @MattCoundiff on Twitter.

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