Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A Quick Guide to BryonySeries Social Media

Other than this blog, what are the other BryonySeries social media options? (for those dying to know...and a few who aren't).

Facebook: Daily postings of (mostly) curated content with comments and quotes as how they relate to the BryonySeries. Also there's some nice photo albums Sarah Stegall created on all sorts of topics: filming the trailers, the Magosky mansion, several Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraisers (VampFest, bowling, and a cooking demo/signing at BBBS). Check it out at www.facebook.com/BryonySeries.

Twitter: Daily postings of curated content relating to anything supernatural (including vampires), tips for writers, recipes (relating to the Victorian era, the 1970s, or anything that looks good to me), dark or gothic Victorian poetry or short stories, and places to buy BryonySeries related items (everything from fairy dust to DIY Victorian dollhouse kits). Check it out at www.twitter.com/BryonySeries.

Instagram: Totally devoted to Bertrand the Mouse and his adventures or life perspective. Generally one post a day. Check him out at www.instagram.com/bertrand_bryonyseries.

Interested in following just me? On Twitter, I post Herald-News content mostly, but I'm expanding into sharing blogs from other writer comrades. I'm at www.twitter.com/denise_unland61.

And of course, there's the website at www.bryonyseries.com, a virtual Munsonville with plenty to read and see. Stop in at the site map at www.bryonyseries.com/sitemap. to find your way around the village.

Then visit Dalton's Dry Goods to purchase BryonySeries product (once the page is built, that is), www.bryonyseries.com/dalton-s-dry-goods.

Other pages include:

Fetes and Feasts: For upcoming events. www.bryonyseries.com/fetes-and-feasts.

Board of Trustees (still growing): Bios and links of other artists and professionals who helped with BryonySeries. Currently with a typos in its link, the hazard of my dyslexic (but very technically capable) daughter building the site. www.bryonyseries.com/broad-of-trustees.

Music Room: To learn more about John Simons and the real-life musician who brought his sound to life). www.bryonyseries.com/music-room.

Steward of Tara: Meet the only actual person to appear in the books. www.bryonyseries.com/the-steward-of-tara.

Darlene's Tour: A few quotes and "photos" of Munsonville, along with fake driving directions. www.bryonyseries.com/darlene-s-tour.

BBBS: Information about the nonprofit BryonySeries supports. www.bryonyseries.com/bbbs.

Sue's Diner: Weekly recipes and photos from the official BryonySeries fundraising cookbook. www.bryonyseries.com/sue-s-diner.

Munsonville Library: A timeline of events relating to the BryonySeries publishing process. Woefully out of date (for now), but still worth checking out. www.bryonyseries.com/munsonville-library.

Harold Masters: For now contains a bit of original fiction by other authors but that will eventually change. www.bryonyseries.com/harlod-masters.

Munsonville Times: Links to BryonySeries in the news. Most of them are old links that no longer work but check back as we do add new ones. www.bryonyseries.com/munsonville-times.

Humane Society: A peek at the animals in BryonySeries. www.bryonyseries.com/humane-society.

Society: Short for "The Munsonville Society for the Humanities." Read BryonySeries reviews. www.bryonyseries.com/society.

Promotions: None now, but that changes.

Press Kit: Blank, for now. www.bryonyseries.com/press-kit.

BryonySeries Videos: Trailers, music videos. We also have open mics and author interviews but they're not posted yet. www.bryonyseries.com/bryonyseries-videos.

Visage Holiday Edition: A different cover and various appendixes not found in the official edition. Out of print. Visit this page to get a copy. www.bryonyseries.com/visage-holiday-edition.

Snowbell: A BryonySeries short story available for purchase on Amazon or as free download on this page. www.bryonyseries.com/snowbell.

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