Saturday, May 20, 2017

Steward Setback Saturday: Random Letters Between the Steward of Tara and BryonySeries Author

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Found One of My Old Blog Posts on Goodreads

I forgot Sarah set the account to automatically push to Goodreads. While on the site for something else, I stumbled upon this:

Dear MOMI:

When the next book comes out, I'll load a cooler with ice cream, disposable bowls, and plastic spoons. We'll serve the free ice cream right where we're signing. I'll spring the cost of the ice cream.
Ruthlessly yours,

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

O Steward:

Third book won't come out until late November. Sure you don't want to do it this summer?


Dear MOMI:

Do you think we can still sell the first two books at the DC? (Note: this is vampire code for "distribution center.") Is anyone there that reads still without a copy? I agree that summer would be better for ice cream. BTW, could you send me the Byrony links? I'm on a new computer.

Ruthlessly yours,

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

O Steward:
Not sure who still wants any books, but an ice cream social is still a good promotion for Staked! which is coming out at the end of the year. That book has your biggest role. Besides, there's new people coming in the DC all the time.

Also, the official Visage, with the "official" art should be out in a couple of weeks. You'll receive a complimentary copy. FYI, Saturdays has the lowest carrier turnout. Any possible way you could get a sub and do a Sunday?



Dear MOMI:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are the only days I can't do it.
As far as getting a sub...if you mean submarine, that would be easier then finding someone to do my route. If you mean "submissive," you've read 50 Shades, and believe me, to all of them, doing a route is a "hard limit." If you mean submarine sandwich, I could, but it wouldn't help me take off a on Sunday.

Ice cream might draw a few carriers in early though if the word went out. In my own DC, which is not as personable as Joliet, it took two years to go from not finishing one bucket to finishing three (every one speaking only Spanish or Arabic assumed I was selling it).

Ruthlessly yours, 

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

O Steward:

Okay, then, pick a Saturday, and let's do it!



Dear MOMI: 

Now wait a second. This might be a chance for you to flex your newly found fame as an acclaimed novelist. Perhaps you can market the John-John Peter experience. One of the most touching parts of Visage is the connection of father and son on the "damn route." Maybe we can market this. Bring your toddler and go out on a REAL Ed Calkins route! (Make sure that toddler is barefoot).

BTW I laughed much longer then my wife at the throwing of the shoe because I had a better picture. Did that every happen to you with one of your little angels? Let's do the ice cream social on the Saturday near the 4th of July. Also, can you give me Edgar or Frank's phone so I can ask permission? My new phone never got my Joliet connections on speed dial.

Ruthlessly yours, 

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

Editor's note: I sent the steward the two agents' telephone numbers, but I have received no further correspondence from the steward. I'm assuming he's very busy conducting ruthless business. Further details on the ice cream social--and if you've read Visage, you know how appropriate that social is. If you haven't, come to the social, buy a copy personally autographed by Ed Calkins, and find out--when and if they emerge.
Published on June 08, 2013 21:54 

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