Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Bertrand (and I) Visit Joliet Montessori

Yesterday, I spent a delightful hour and a half with about fifty students at the Joliet Montessori School.

The school had asked for ten copies of Cornell Dyer and the Missing Tombstone to read and review. Had it not been for the students' comments, I might never have known we'd inadvertently uploaded an earlier copy.

This is what happened: Rebekah had trouble adding page numbers to the edited copy, and she finally had to use an earlier version (the final one may have been corrupted, who knows?).

The problem with reversion is making sure we caught every error. Somewhere in the confusion of moving manuscripts back and forth between us, we glitched. So we will fix it this weekend and re-upload.

Overall, the kids seemed to enjoy it, some more than others (and some less than others), and the responses were honest and enthusiastic. I'll be posting their reviews (good and bad) on the website this weekend.

The kids also shared what they liked and didn't like to read, their own writing projects, their opinions on what makes for good reading, how to overcome writer's block, good ways to open stories, and first person vs. third person.

One girl who is graduating this year is a prolific writer and contributed greatly to the discussion, but nearly everyone had something to share during our time.

I passed out BryonySeries cards and left a few gifts: two copies of Bertrand and the Lucky Clover, two copes of Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from Bryony, two copies of Bryony, one copy of Visage, and one copy of Staked!.

The person who coordinated the event and the reviews asked for an additional copy of Visage and Staked! so I'll drop those off, too, as another teacher may be interested in using the trilogy in the classroom come fall. She also briefly discussed the possibility of a long-term partnership.

Towards the end, I answered their questions about my writing and self-publishing process, and I talked some about my work at The Herald-News, which is my primary writing focus.

Oh, and speaking of Bertrand, he was a hit in his own right.

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