Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Website Woes Continue, Seeking Help

I'm totally clueless when it comes to building websites.

Sarah created a beautiful one from a GoDaddy template and its stock photos, her first website attempt, in 2010, but this was back when most people logged onto websites from desktops or laptops.

In short, the mobile view sucks. And not in vampire lore sucks.

When she built it, I had two visions for the site: a place for basic information about my books and where to buy them.

A journey through a virtual Munsonville was the second. Sarah accomplished both. 

But GoDaddy's answer to our problem is "start over."


The problem is that no one has that kind of time. When Sarah built the website, she was a full-time mom of one preschooler and was seeking a creative outlet. She gained great skills while helping me, which she now uses in her very full-time job.

Rebekah is trying to learn, but honestly, she works many hours, too. But she's fiddled with the new GoDaddy templates and isn't a fan. She can't get the "look" right.

And it's heartbreaking to take it all down.

So here we are.

Our budget is limited, and our skills more so.

But if anyone wants to help, we are open to it.

To view the current website (on a computer, not your phone), go here: www.bryonyseries.com.

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