Friday, March 10, 2017

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, March 5 through March 11

Short commentary by moi this morning. I have a cold, I'm dragging,and I'm a bit behind.

Well, this last might have happened anyway. ;)

No fiction yesterday and probably no fiction today as I head into another working weekend. Yes, I know I worked last weekend, but there's only three of us editors, and I offered to make it more fair to someone else. Besides, I'm covering an event on Sunday, which pushes Sunday's work to Saturday, so I might as well work all of it.

I'll catch up with fiction, family, and friends over the next couple of weeks, so it's all good.

That said, I'm hoping Rebekah has time THIS weekend to finally work with me to finish the first Cornell. Remember that book? (LOL).

Still planning on picking at Before the Blood this weekend, as well as a couple new projects for my features section I want to launch, with my managing editor's permission.

If all of this sounds hard, it really doesn't sound hard to me. The only part that sounds hard is getting dressed, the consequence of being sick, I guess. I worked from home yesterday, and hope to do so again today, but I do have a mandatory meeting to attend, and it won't do showing up in pajamas.

And now...

First, the non-bylined work: the health, faith, and arts and entertainment calendars. Three of them can be found at this link:.

Gotta Do It, runs each Sunday and often stays on the home page throughout the week.

Feature briefs for Tuesday (health), Thursday (faith), Friday (Arts and Entertainment), and Sunday (People) are also edited (texted and photos) by the lady of this blog, but only the stories have bylines.

Another option: I do post the briefs and calendars on Twitter during the week, so you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61. And of course, I post curated content relating to the BryonySeries at @BryonySeries.

Just an FYI: On free days, holidays, and Sundays I'm not on call, I only post the blog to my "real" Twitter account, as my company insists we do take time off. I'm less reasonable, so unless I'm on a real vacation, I still post to the BryonySeries accounts.

FYI: videos have not been attaching to my Herald-News stories, although they do run for a time on the home page. You may also find them under the "videos" tab.

If you'd like to watch a video, and it's not showing up for you, message me, and I'll manually attach it. No worries for this week, though, although I will have videos for Sunday.

Thank you for reading The Herald-News.

Joliet area chefs showcased their finest at Center for Disability Services benefit   (VIDEO EXTRA)

Joliet chef coordinated his 22nd tasting party to benefit people with disabilities

Larry Burich, interim CEO, said last year’s Great Chefs Tasting Party & Auction raised about $90,000 for CDS, and he hoped this year would be closer to $100,000. One possible allocation for some of the proceeds would be toward the purchase of additional TAPits (Touch Accessible Platform for Interactive Technology).

An Extraordinary Life: Local builder helped shape the face of New Lenox
Bill Bolker developed family-friendly communities in New Lenox

Bill’s daughter, Bev Judge of New Lenox, said her father was born and raised in a 950-square-foot house on Vine Street with his parents and his two brothers.

Pets of the Week: March 6

Click on the caption of each photo to find out about that pet, including where he or she can be adopted.

Mystery Diner: Hot Pan Noodles & Dumplings are made to order, from scratch

I had the fried noodles and beef as well, but selected only broccoli and cabbage for my vegetables. When it arrived with an extra ingredient I hadn’t ordered, the owner immediately whisked it away and prepared a second dish in minutes.

Three Joliet Franciscan centenarians reflect on their ministry and relationships to God  (VIDEO EXTRA)

 “We gave up being married. We gave up having children. We gave up much of doing our own will,”  Sister Mariarthur Hamann said. “For many years, we lived by the vow of obedience. I think God blessed us because we were doing someone else’s will and we were doing it willingly.”

Owner of Joliet insurance agency is first-time participant in Men Who Cook

Joe Garbin cooks for the love of cooking

Garbin’s main culinary focus is “old-school Italian cooking,” which he learned from his now-deceased grandmother Carmela Garbin, who came from Sicily.

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