Sunday, January 15, 2017

Four Winter Vegetables, Victorian-Style

All three appeared on the buffet table at John and Bryony Simons' Christmas Eve wedding reception.

Adapted from Miss Beecher’s domestic receiptbook: designed as a supplement to her Treatise on domestic economy

Boiled Cabbage

 Take off the outer leaves of a cabbage, cut the stalky part in quarters, down to the center, put it in boiling, salted water, and boil from half an hour to an hour. Cabbages, like turnips, must have a good deal of water, or they will taste strong.

Winter Squash

The neck part of the winter squash is best; cut it into slices, peel it, boil it in salted water till tender, then drain off the water, and serve it without mashing, or, if preferred, wring it and season it with butter and salt.

Boiled Parsnips and Carrots

Parsnips and carrots must be split or else the outside is done too much before the inside is cooked sufficiently. Salt the water, and boil them 30 minutes when young, and 2 hours when old. Boil enough to have some to slice and fry for the next day’s dinner or breakfast, as they are much the best cooked in this way.

From "Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles From 'Bryony'"

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