Monday, December 5, 2016

My Approach to Branding, Social Media, and Marketing (Plus One Project)

In a previous post ( ), I shared my my commitment to learning ways to market the BryonySeries and passing along my impressions as I do so.

At this point, I haven't set particular sales goals (which some might feel is foolish); rather, I'm simply making the world aware of the BryonySeries' existence.

One characteristic I often see in social media is duplication; meaning the same posts show up in multiple platforms. I feel this limits the reach, which I want as broad as possible. So each time, before I've committed to a new platform, I plan the best approach, and a plan for scheduling, before I start posting.

Now gaining committed followers is a slow process, but I'm looking at a building a solid foundation of them. And I have found, at the very least, that I'm attracting different followers on each platform, rather than the same ones, so on a tiny scale, I think I'm getting something right.

Here's how I use each platform:

BryonySeries Facebook: Mostly shared images from Facebook that relate to BryonySeries themes and tropes, as well as me as a woman and author. Also my blog. Eight daily posts plus the blog.

Twitter: Links to the Facebook posts, my blog, and five posts of curated content that, again, relate to BryonySeries themes and tropes (products, recipes, articles, short stories, etc.). @BryonySeries

Blog: Varied original content, original and shared videos, that relate to BryonySeries themes and tropes, as well as me as a woman and author. Also a weekly roundup of my published features writing in The Herald-News, where I currently serve as features editor (as well as reporter and assistant). One post daily

Instagram: Original photos of Bertrand the Mouse and his adventures. One post daily. This is a new account, so I'm expecting "likes" to be slow in coming. betrand_bryonyseries.

In addition to these sites, I post on four other sites, which are a combination of personal and work sites.

My personal Facebook page: I keep this one inspirational and fun, focusing more on others and less than me (You won't see selfies and stories by ME!!! unless you click on the blog, which I do post).

My personal Twitter account: Links to my Herald-News stories, as well the calendars and briefs I assemble, and other Herald-News content, if I'm overseeing social media that day. Also my blog. @Denise_Unland61

WriteOn Joliet: The Facebook page for the WriteOn Joliet writer's group. I post one helpful link each day and fun memes, etc. as I find them and the mood strikes.

Joliet Connect: The informal Facebook page for The Herald-News. It's overseen by our associate editor and me, and members are encouraged (and they do) to post as well. I post anything fun and informative as it relates to Joliet, at least once a day, although I do keep my eye on the site over the work day and add more if member posting is sparse (rare, but it does happen).

Finally, I do have a LinkedIn account, but I use that more as an online resume of skills and recommendations (over 100 of them). I won't connect with anyone if I have not done business with him, and I must admit, I've been a bit lax on this account in the past couple years.

Readers and followers won't find sales pitches, although I do make information on product available on these sites, along with my website: I feel the entire point of social media is to be, well, social, and to connect with others.

Again, I use these platforms to find others that share these interests, people that might want to check out my products because of shared interests. My goal as a writer is to inform and entertain the reader, not to antagonize him.

And the project? I'm planning to begin a monthly newsletter of original content. But this project is still in planning.

Will that sell more books? Heck if I know. But I know one way NOT to sell books: obnoxiously trying to persuade a follower to buy them.

Have a great Monday, vampire fans! :)

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