Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Why You Should Never, Ever Be the Last Eyes on Your Writing

It was truly a "laugh out loud" moment. And I was in a meeting (oops).

While formatting my first "Bertrand" book for publication, a book I've edited and, yes, even run through spell check, Rebekah found this "oopsie" and texted it to me.

The story's premise, suggested to me by my grandson Lucas, is about Bertrand the Mouse finding a lucky clover. Because it worked with my plot in another story, I made it a six-leaf clover. 

Repeat: Bertrand finds a SIX-LEAF clover. 

Despite being dyslexic, Rebekah can catch an obvious typo, even when it looks correct to spell check. Mostly, she had what I had not: a fresh pair of eyes.

Oh, how a picture is worth a thousand right words.


  1. After I stopped laughing and remembered some of the things I have 'caught' just in time..

    I have included your blog in INTERESTING BLOGS at FRIDAY FOSSICKING


    Thank you, Chris
