Sunday, May 29, 2016

Chicken Salad with Crackers

John apologized to Melissa for his coldness by scheduling a large garden party where she could play gracious hostess. With delight, Melissa surveyed the picnic lunch and tasted something called sarsaparilla mead, which reminded her of the bottled root beer she had often shared with her father. While we did not list a recipe for every item served, we did include the ice Henry brought Melissa.

Chicken Salad with Crackers

White meat of chicken, cut into small bits, the size of peas
White part of celery, chopped nearly as small
Yolks of hard-boiled eggs
½ teaspoon salt and mustard per egg yolk
1 tablespoon oil
1 wine glass of vinegar

Mix chicken and celery in a large bowl. Just before serving, pour over dressing and mix. Serve with bread and butter and crackers.


1 quart flour
2 ounces butter
1 teaspoon saleratus in a wine glass of warm water
½ teaspoon salt
Milk, enough to roll out dough

Rub butter into flour, add saleratus, salt, and enough milk to mix dough. Beat 30 minutes with a pestle, cut into thin, round cakes, prick them, and set them in the oven when the other things are taken out. Bake until crisp.

Adapted from Miss Beecher’s domestic receiptbook: designed as a supplement to her Treatise on domestic economy.

From "Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles From 'Bryony'"

All proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.

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