Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Desperately Need New Home For Two Cats

I received the following email from a co-worker. Having been in this desperate situation with our cats, I totally get this. If you can help - or know someone who can - please message me at bryonyseries@gmail.com.
If anything, they sure are cute! (and missing their owner...)
Hi fellow co-workers,

I have a situation that I want to run by everyone: My mother-in -law has Alzheimer's and will be going into assisted living this weekend. We have placed all of her very loved animals with the exception of her two cats, who are brothers. One is a Maine coon. They are 13 years old and have been together since they were born. They are EXTREMELY gentle with an unbreakable bond. Unfortunately we are having a hard time placing them with any shelter/animal rescue group because of their age. SAD because they are full of love and life and very healthy! They are lap cats, love their bellies rubbed and get along VERY well with other animals, including dogs and children...They would be great companions for anyone, even an elder with their gentle way- no trouble at all.

If you know of anyone that would be willing to provide them with Love and shelter that is all we are asking for, Joe and I would even be willing to provide a monthly sum of money for food and liter.

I know you are wondering why we don't take them, we would love to but our INN is full, with 5 of our own cats and two strays that we are currently taking care of.

If you know of anyone that would be willing to open their heart to these two or have suggestions, please let me know.

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