Monday, November 2, 2015

A Quick Stop This Fine Monday Morning

On a weekend with an extra hour and included Halloween, I thought Saturday spilling into Sunday would be steeped in fiction.

Life, of course, tossed other items my way, not bad, just different.

Some family things arose last week that needed addressing on Saturday. Patched in and around the addressing was bits of writing. Trick-or-treating with the youngest three young adults that are my children, along with three of my grandchildren, most of us (including me) in costume was tremendous fun, especially since the steady rain had slowed to occasional drizzles. (We were armed with umbrellas, just in case).

Sorry, no photos to post, being sensitive to the wishes of the children's mothers.

Early Sunday morning, Timothy flew to Texas. Since he has the decent automobile, we passed on church. On Friday evening, our associate pastor had offered to pick me up for church, but since I'd made other plans for Sunday, I politely declined.

I worked about four hours on Sunday, some in the morning, some in the evening, so today dawned full, but not in a panicky way.

But among the weekend's activities, I somehow manages to sneak in a fair amount of progress in Before the Blood. And my resolve to spend an hour each morning working on it is, well, working.

Okay, except for last Friday morning, which I dedicated to catching up on Story Round-Up. But I was heading into the weekend, so I was good with it.

The benefits of that extra hour are immense. I'm five hours further into the novel by Friday night. I stay connected with the story so I'm not reintroducing myself when I'm finally able to immerse myself in it. This means my muse is less sleepy, more poised for production.

Most of all, I'm not resentful come Monday morning that another weekend has flown past.

Thus said, I've gotta to run. I completed my fiction-hour before I began today's blog, and work is hollering my name...

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