Thursday, May 21, 2015

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: Kidnapped

Thursday, July 5, 2012


It was a balmy, one hundred degrees in my attic yesterday, where I working on several feature stories and looking forward to fireworks later that night.

Despite the heat, the day was far from unpleasant. Too hot even at five-thirty in the morning for power walking, Timothy and I hit the trails with our bikes a little later that morning to enjoy the cooler temperatures of the shade and the "canal effect," one of the advantages of living nearly across the street from the I & M Canal.

Then, in the early afternoon, I interviewed legendary record producter Phil Ramone, who is mentoring a local girl, Molly McKenna Batozech (listen to her original song she recorded here: for a newspaper feature story.

But the day got even better. My oldest son Christopher and his best friend swooped into my attic and informed me I was shutting down my computer and going to Michigan for the night, compliments of them. I argued about morning deadlines, but my mind was already planning which stories needed to go into my backpack for late night writing. I hadn't been to Warren Dunes since I was sixteen.

We were ready to go in about ninety minutes. The drive up was entertaining enough, between chatting with Christopher and texting a friend. Once we arrived, Christopher created fictional Facebook check-ins for our motel (Munsonville Inn) and Redamaks (, where they serve the best hamburgers in the world (Sue's Diner), and I even passed along the BryonySeries website to our waitress.

After dinner, we hung at New Buffalo City Beach, which was evacuted at nearly closing time due to a quickly spreading grass fire near the sand, presumably from fireworks gone bad. We didn't wait that long. We were in Christopher's truck by the time the emergency vehicles were arriving.

Tomorrow: writing, editing, and off to Warren Dunes before it's home again, home again.

Good night, and good morning!

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