Monday, March 16, 2015

Why I Disappeared For Two Days

It started off as Facebook's fault.

Lenten services in the next town followed by dinner out with friends has made Friday nights late before taking fiction into account. Then on Saturday, I had to be up especially early for a doctor's appointment with Daniel.

I settled down at the computer with my coffee for a quick few postings and off I went. When I returned, I found that the posts hadn't posted. When I tried to repost, they wouldn't. I logged in and out, and then logged in and out from different browsers. 


I couldn't post, and they hadn't posted. So I texted Sarah. She said the posts were there. I checked. Rebekah checked from her phone. No posts. So Sarah screenshotted it and texted it to me. The text didn't come through. So she texted it to Rebekah. The text didn't come through.

Sometimes I really hate technology.

But there was nothing I could do about it. If it persisted, I could contact Facebook, but I've been doing social media long enough to realize glitches occur. I decided to "wait and see" first.

I wrote, went bowling with Daniel, and wrote some more, about a thousand words in a chapter in Before the Blood I've been pecking out little by little as my muse has been stubborn. It finally woke up the next morning on a very full day about twenty minutes before I had to leave for church. Figures.

I could either post or spill those words onto the page. I did the latter.

This morning, Facebook is behaving far, but it's early.

Happy Monday!

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