Friday, December 12, 2014

Fruit Fritters

So all the focus on last week's WriteOn Joliet means I'm woefully behind in story links again, sigh!

Although one would think it would be easy to simply save a link a day (my resolve), I really do suck (vampire pun intended) at self-promotion and miss ye olde marketing team. Really, I'd be just as happy if readers simply visited The Herald-News site everyday, since the newspaper does have an amazing staff of writers who writer amazing stories.

That said, the features section does spotlight equally amazing people. So I've posted this huge reminder at my computer to hunt down my activity over the past few weeks on Sunday (after meeting with an intersted illustrator for Cornell Dyer, hip, hip hurray!) and share those links. Promise (I think).

In the meantime, if you have room in your wallets, please remember the BryonySeries charity (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties) during this holiday season with a donation or a purchase of our fundraising cookbook. 

Even if you don't like cooking, Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," makes for fun browsing. If you've read the story, it's a nice backward glance. If not, perhaps the book snippets will whet your interest. 

Either way, it's intriguing to see what Victorians ate and how they prepared it, especially considering many recipes' lack of complete instructions, like this recipe below, which was served at the John and Bryony Simons' Christmas Eve wedding reception. Figuring at some point one would add the flour and salt...

The following recipe is adapted from Miss Beecher’s domestic receiptbook: designed as a supplement to her Treatise on domestic economy.

Fruit Fritters

1 pint milk
1½ pints flour
2 teaspoons salt
6 eggs
A pint of cream (or milk with a little butter melted in it)
Fruit (can be blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries or sliced apples or peaches)
Sweet lard
Wine, nutmeg, or grated lemon peel

Mix eggs and cream with the fruit. Mold into small cakes and fry in lard. Eat with a sauce of butter beat with sugar and flavored with wine, nutmeg, or grated lemon peel.

From "Memories in the Kitchen: 'Bites and Nibbles From 'Bryony'"

All proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.

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