Monday, November 10, 2014

A Rather Productive Weekend, In Some Ways, And Yes, That Included "Staked!"

Quick synopsis on a busy Monday morning:

* Completed Chapter 1 of Kellen's story in Before the Blood

* Completed a couple thousands words of Chapter 2 of Kellen's story, same novel

* Spent several hours yesterday evening with Sarah Stegall, combing through Staked!, answering any lingering questions and fixing any lingering formatting/copyediting errors. Sarah's plan is to upload Staked! this week, adjust any shifting, and release the book. (Crossing fingers this time...)

* Two episodes of Family Guy with Daniel on Friday night, two episodes of Once Upon a Time with Rebekah on Sunday (We missed church because Timothy had to work and took the car, hence, some of the productivity).

* On the down side, I didn't get as many briefs edited as I had hoped on when I went into work on Sunday. Once I knew my ambitious plans were naught, I split my time between the easy ones and the "time-consuming, needing heavy editing ones" that I'd been setting aside.

* All this in spite of computer issues. Flash drives won't read on the desktop, internet acting like a spoiled three-year-old...

Fast reflections as we stand poised to (finally, we hope) release Staked!

* What a strange wonderful journey writing the BryonySeries has been. A fleeting idea that caught hold of my muse almost three decades ago grew into more than the single novel I had planned to write. I have learned so much about writing, editing, story construction, character and plot development, dialogue, the publishing world, blogging, social media, etc. than I ever could have imagined.

* On that journey, I have met some incredible people: fellow writers, amazing editors, loyal readers, talented artists. For this, I am most grateful.

* I have also had the opportunity to share my growing knowledge with others beginning the journey. For this, I am also most grateful.

Curiously, while writing the prequel, looking backward is also looking forward.

Or is that vice versa?

Either way, write on!


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