Monday, October 20, 2014

Since Thursday

It's been awhile since I've missed some blogging days, but life's been a bit hectic, productive, but hectic. A quick recap:

• My editorial assistant took another position, so I've assumed about half of her duties, WHEW! While I'm enjoying the work, as I'm interacting with more with the general public than I have since becoming an editor in January, it's been a process weaving in the extra work with the existing work...while still having time for life, etc.

• I did manage to watch a whopping five Family Guy episodes with Daniel on Friday night, (and the finale of season three's Once Upon a Time with Rebekah on Sunday night) a record, I think. I also got my weight lifting done while still Friday (barely), and I'm very happy to say I've been faithful with yoga on the alternate nights. Gotta keep the aging carcass going...

• I have unofficially decided to maybe officially join National Novel Writing Month this year. Since the goal is 50,000 words, and each of the "books" in Before the Blood is about that long, I thought this might be a good way to get Kellen's portion done, now that I'm down to the last half of the last chapter in John's story.

• To that end, I re-read everything in John's story and filled in any missing details, since I do have a couple of beta readers (Sarah Stegall is one, who else?) waiting with rapt anticipation for this book since they read Bryony in 2010. The goal is to get them John's story before October bids farewell. (Maybe I should withhold Sarah's copy until Staked! is released? Just a thought...)

• I ran some errands yesterday: bank, gym shoes, and one kick-ass umbrella. Oh yeah, some Gloria Jean coffee, mais oui. Still needed: warm and water-proof boots.

• Got some work done this weekend, too. Monday, I'm ready! (well, sort of...)

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