Monday, September 29, 2014


No, this post isn't meant to extol the health benefits of physical exercise, as they can be found anywhere ad nauseum. Rather, as I finish my morning postings and sip coffee to the hum of the background fan (as Rebekah needs white noise to sleep), I'm anticipating the fact that, in less than half an hour, I'll be walking for ninety minutes at top speed.


The weather has to be extremely inclement for me to miss the ever-so-important aspect of my daily routine. Treadmills won't do. I need to feel the elements around me - there's something almost magical about forcing myself forward in strong winds or feeling my mind roam in softly falling snow - and the surge of quickly pumping limbs being part of the changing seasons in order to free my thoughts for better ones and unravel the tangled snarls in my brain.

It's a stress-reliever, energy-producer, and sure-cure for writer's block, all rolled up in one good-for-your-health (yeah, I had to sneak that in somewhere, sorry) package. In fact, walking is one advantage living at Ellis Island has over Channahon.

I get to walk to work and back.

Midday, I get to walk home and cook (God, I love cooking)...and then walk back.

When I had an attic office, I dashed up and down that ladder all day, mentally writing as I moved. At first, I felt freedom working in an office, as there's little reason to wander from my desk, i.e. no laundry to move, no bread to start, no floor to sweep, no bathroom to tidy, but I soon found ways to take little breaks: reheat coffee (which is only good to the point of boiling) and toss a water bottle into the freezer (which is only good if cold to the point of slush), peel an orange, throw away an apple core, etc. etc.

You get the point.

And that brings me to the end of the post. If I hurry, I can walk Rebekah partway to the bus stop.

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