Monday, September 8, 2014


That was my weekend.

Last weekend (way back when, in a time long ago and far away) newspaper deadlines were tight, due to Labor Day. Then I was "on call" Labor Day, which meant I had to take Tuesday off. That left two days before Friday (pant, pant), of which I greeted extra early (and realized once I got to work that nasty virus going around town had claimed me for its next victim) to be done extra early to make the bank and Christopher and Jennifer's wedding rehearsal, which was outside at Pilcher Park, in the rain.

We made it back to the motel 9-ish (Thank you, Rebekah, for packing my suitcase), but I couldn't figure out how to connect to the wi-fi to finish Friday's work, so I had to wait for Rebekah, who had gone with Christopher to get his boys some hair cuts. So I showered instead. By the time she came back - 10-ish - I was done-ish and passed out soon afterward.

I woke up feeling icky at 3:30, contemplated getting up, deciding in a haze that was pretty stupid and fell back asleep until Christopher pounded on our door at 7. WHOOPS! Rebekah and I flew out of beds and scrambled to get ready. She had a hair appoinment, while my tresses went "au naturale." (There was only $$$ in the budget for one, and I am a mom).

The wedding was beautiful. We could not have asked for a better day. Unfortunately, everyone was so caught up in the event, no one thought to snap photos with their phones, so posting pictures will have to wait until I have some official ones from the photographer.

After the wedding, I dashed over (on foot, mind you, as I have no car) to the Herald-News to see if I could add an obituary photo for a friend before that department closed (made it within minutes, thank you God) and then dragged myself back to the apartment, where I unpacked, checked a few emails, showered, and tried, unsuccessfully, to sleep, which meant I overslept on Sunday morning.

After church (in Homewood, 40 miles away), heading out to Morris to not pick up Hope, grabbing a few groceries and food and litter for her new foster parents, and attending two wakes, I finally finished up Friday's work, so we could have a mini celebration for Timothy's 24th birthday, which is today. Yes, my number four child shares a birthday with the Theotokos (i.e. Mother of God), as interpreted on the Eastern calendar.

Last night, grief once again interfered with sleep. This morning, I have lots of work to get done early, so I can zip out for a memorial service. This weekend, I'm on call. And "Staked!?" As soon as Ms. Sarah Stegall and I catch up with each other, we will fix the formatting and release it.


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