Friday, August 29, 2014

Short, Sweet, and to the Point

A third proof copy of Staked! greeted me when I returned home from work last night.

First glance: The cover is perfect! THANK YOU, Christopher Gleason (front cover design), Sarah Stegall (back cover design), Cal Graphics (spine, assembly, and size adjustments) for something that is so unique, it draws me in...

Second glance: The interior art is far more dark than the interior art in Bryony and Visage, a decided and interesting contrast to deceptive brightness of the cover and the hilarity the protagonist seems to bring to the story. I say "deceptive" and "seems" because Staked! has more death than the other two books combined and has an uneasiness darkness below its surface. Well done, again, Christopher!

Third glance: I saw at least three pages where the formatting is still off, including one place where correct formatting is crucial. This won't delay the release too much. I'll mark the places, ask Sarah to fix them really fast, and then submit the files again to Createspace. I won't order another proof. Once Createspace approves the files, I'll release the book.

Unless I'm surprised by pestilence, frogs, and floods, we will have a book within the week. Thank you, vampire fans, for your patience.

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