Monday, June 30, 2014

This Past Weekend and the Coming Week

This week, posts will be tighter. With the upcoming holiday, I have to squeeze five days worth of work into four - and Fridays already mean two-days worth of work. Wish me luck!

Despite working most of Saturday (covered an event, spent half a day in the office), I did make a fair amount of progress this weekend on the third chapter in Before the Blood. I've spent the last couple weekends on it and really had hoped to complete it. However, I still have two major scenes that need work and some others to edit, so it's going to be another long day before I'm ready to move onto chapter four. Then I did a quick peek at the word count, nearly six thousand. Well, that explains it!

Chapter three also introduces two new characters, and I spent a fair amount of time developing them, too. Plus, this chapter has two underlying themes that took plenty of crafting: friendship and heroism, both from one unlikely source.

Sneak (unrelated) peek: I have an idea for a second, unrelated, stand-alone, non-vampire (but still supernatural) novel. Right now, it's in the idea stage, but I do have a co-writer for this one, a
a completely new - and exciting - experience for me. I'll post more details once we formally begin. And , no, that will not detract from writing this book. If anything, it will keep the muse fires stoked!

So far, no Staked! cover rejection from Createspace. Here's hoping we have a book soon...maybe
even by my birthday...wouldn't that be a fantastic present?

Already running late, and it's raining. Hoping, hoping for that walk!

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