Friday, March 28, 2014

Two Weeks of Story Round-Up (On Time Today, How 'Bout It?)

And, no, I forgot all week to copy and save the day's link, so I'm going back and doing it now, thanks to the insomnia that's plagued me the last two nights, ugh.

No story link this time, I'm afraid. While I adore the new job, I haven't had time for any "extra" reading ('cept the stack by my bed). So now, without further ado:

Plainfield volunteer dedicated to ministry through music

For over 20 years, Kathy Misurac has entertained nursing home residents by singing songs they love to hear and accompanying herself with either the acoustic guitar, ukulele, piano or accordian. And the families love her.

Frankfort hog farmer shared knowledge, history

And that knowledge benefitted other farmers, his family, and even the youngest of school children.

Trainer offers free program at Joliet shelter

Plus, she shares the number one reason why dogs don't obey. Do you know what that is?

Jopliet woman's group starts scholarship to help families affected by Goltz syndrome.

It's a syndrome so rare, one woman's granddaughter has to attend a yearly conference to meet other children like her.

Serving up fine cuisine

The fundraiser is past, but these area men share their finest cooking tips.

Joliet orthodontist organizes mission trip to Tanzania

Dr. Clarence Red thought he could get away with simply offering a monetary donation. Instead, Red was challenged, and that challenge changed his life.

Kidz Jam allows youth to share musical talents

A regular public jam session for kids? Read on!

Book about founder of Joliet community center benefits programs

A collection of essays about Kathleen Bolden allow her to continue the mission she worked so hard to initiate.

Joliet man was at home in the world

Robert Marquardt befriended animals and took his family beyond the confines of their home.

Peotone man turns farm into horse rescue

He really only wanted to raise horses as his mother had before him, until a school for autistic children called him.,+community+service

Peotone church prepares to host annual beef dinner

They whip up homemade potatoes to serve a crowd of eight hundred and feature gooseberry pie and the dessert menu.

Joliet woman shares story of abuse so others will find healing through Jesus Christ

Her story of incest is shocking; her courage is inspiring.

Fitness personality Jillian Michaels to motivate audiences at Joliet's Rialto Square Theatre

The "behind the scenes" Michaels viewers don't see on TV.


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