Sunday, February 23, 2014

Despite work, I (FINALLY) Spent Part of this Weekend in Munsonville

I wrote two stories (one less than I wanted to get done).

I met with two fiction writers I'm mentoring.

I spent two hours working the Joliet Chamber of Commerce Expo at Louis Joliet Mall and, while doing so, signed several people up for subscriptions to The Herald-News. :)

I performed some editorial duties as this weekend's "on call" editor.

And after grabbing my Before the Blood notes for last night's bedtime reading, I shelved story number three this afternoon in favor of nineteenth century Munsonville, where Henry Matthews is very much alive, where half the book is told from Bryony's point of view, where the POV's of John, Kellen, and Henry all matter...and speak their minds.

It's where you'll finally meet up close characters to which Bryony only alluded--the publisher Albert Brumfeldt. piano manufacturer Herbert Rutherford, the stupidly rich Marshall Harrington, Bartholomew and Edwina Smythe, Bertha Parks, Susan Betts, James and Maybelle Fisher, Galien and Adele Marseilles, Abbott and Lucetta Simons, Bryga Czarnecki and her daughter Anna.

This sixty chapter tome (plus prologue and epilogue) also introduces some very new and pivotal characters and places that I can't wait to share: Everett and Prudence Spencer, their children, Granny Spencer, and Spencer Inn; Savannah Holloway; Edwin and Millicent Gothart; Lawrence Girard; Dana and Clarice Hewitt; Erland and Erasmus Borgstrom; Harold and Louise Matthews; Carlton Mandeville, Francis and Bess McCloud, and poor Nora and her family.

That decision has put me behind schedule tonight. It will mean a little less sleep and a lot more crazier week. But I'll be a, if not calmer, than happier writer for it.

But first, Staked!, which should be available for purchase within the month. Interior art is formatted, waiting on final cover assembly.


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